These statistics are frightening, particularly for enterprises. That’s because of the growing dependence on IT to keep business processes running. Businesses are lucrative targets for cybercriminals whose key motivation is to make money. The skyrocketing occurrences of cyberattacks have companies rushing for cybersecurity help. IT experts with CISSP certification are particularly in high demand today. If you’ve been considering a career as an IT professional, getting CISSP certified can give you an edge over others in the field. In this comprehensive guide, we tell you all you need to know about this certification and how it can boost your career. Read on to learn more.

What Is CISSP Certification?

CISSP stands for Certified Information Systems Security Professional. It is the gold standard for security certifications. The certification is internationally acknowledged as the benchmark for information security professionals. Becoming a CISSP takes considerable time and dedication. You’ll need to study the common Body of Knowledge, complete other IT training to gain enough professional expertise. You’ll also need to pass an exam that most IT security professionals say is the toughest they’ve ever taken. But the value and benefits of CISSP certification are well worth the work. The certification proves that you’re at the summit of the IT security game, both in knowledge and experience.

How CISSP Certification Benefits Your Career

If you’ve been considering a career in cybersecurity, CISSP certification can provide a huge boost. Here are eight clear reasons why becoming a CISSP is one of the best career decisions you’ll ever make.

Your Job Prospects Are Great

The global cybersecurity industry has had a massive shortfall in IT security professionals. In 2020, this shortfall in skills was a staggering 3.12 million. Given that the number of CISSP credential holders is only a tiny fraction of those openings, demand for CISSPs is at a record high. The current rapid digital transformation has created major security challenges for organizations. Companies now collect, store, and share massive amounts of valuable data, making them targets of cybercrime. In an increasingly threat-infested cyber world, every industry expert with the right credentials is the IT world’s knight in shining armor. Certainly, there are other sectors where talent is in high demand, but none comes close to the IT security industry. Being CISSP certified thus guarantees you that your skills will always be highly sought after.

You Can Find Lots of Entry-Level Work

Generally, the IT security field is saturated with entry-level jobs that you can land. One is practically guaranteed an information security analyst position. This is among the fastest-growing occupations in the US. The employment rate, job growth, and salary of the infosec analyst occupation are impressive Demand for infosec analysts is expected to exceed that of all other careers multiple times through the next few years. Given how sought-after CISSPs are at the moment, you should have no problem landing an entry-level position.

There’s Good Upward Mobility

No doubt you want a career that guarantees upward career mobility, and CISSP certification can help you achieve just that. Prospects for climbing the career ladder abound in the cybersecurity industry. This is especially the case if you’re a CISSP willing to polish your people and communication skills. In recent years, demand for senior roles in the IT security field has grown considerably. Many regulatory bodies now require organizations to have a CISO. The CISO oversees and implements IT security programs, besides enforcing cybersecurity policies. Currently, the CISO tenure hardly exceeds four years. CISOs are constantly leaving their positions for better compensation. Others do so to join organizations with better security culture. As a result, companies are always looking for professionals with the right credentials to fill these positions.

There’s Impressive Compensation

The pay for a CISSP-certified professional is far from modest. In the US, a CISSP earns $115,885 per year, on average. That’s a lot more than what most of your peers in other professions can make. Sure, your salary will largely depend on your employer and your location. However, all infosec salaries are expected to keep growing at a rate much higher than that of all other occupations in the US.

You Get to Enjoy a Highly Portable Job

One of the biggest perks of working in the IT security sector is that you can live the life of a digital nomad. A cybersecurity professional, particularly one as qualified as a CISSP, can work remotely. Given the massive demand for CISSP-certified professionals, it’s impossible for every organization to get an IT professional of such caliber working for them in-house. With CISSP-certification, you can opt to be a freelancing IT security professional and offer your services to multiple clients at any given time.

You Can Work in Various Sectors

As a CISSP, you can be a key member in just about any industry, including government, energy, transportation, health, energy, and media. The roles of CISSP exceed managing basic IT security support. CISSPs also serve as a central part of the entire IT security process.  A CISSP has the ability to set appropriate goals for an organization based on its industry. Most other cybersecurity professionals would have trouble understanding or appreciating these goals. CISSPs can fit into just about any organization. They can be an indispensable part of the team by helping protect data and other digital assets the organization uses.

Getting CISSP-certified is one thing. Remaining a CISSP is another. You need to earn CPE credits annually to stay a CISSP. CISSPs regularly attend conferences and training courses to earn their credits. You may also want to read specialized media and watch webinars to maintain your CISSP. All the efforts ensure that you’re always on top of the latest cybersecurity trends, which only makes your job easier and more effective. Besides, being a CISSP means that you’re always learning something new, which is part of the thrill of the job. Few sectors evolve as fast as IT, which means that your skills are always growing and adapting.

Your Services Make the World a Better Place

Few things are more destructive than cybercrime. The vast majority of small businesses that suffer data breaches fold within six months. Jobs are lost, and families suffer as a result. When you play your part in enhancing IT security, you’re making the world a better place. Companies can continue to provide the products and services that are so valuable to consumers. As an IT security professional, you also help safeguard the privacy and safety of consumers. As you well know, countless Americans have been victims of identity theft in recent years, besides a bevy of other cybercrimes. Some cyberattacks target critical infrastructure, causing huge panic and general confusion. CIPPS-certified professionals can help avert such attacks and keep things running as they should.

You Earn Professional Membership

The perks of being a member of a reputable professional organization are numerous. For instance, professional membership earns you tested and verifiable proof that you’re proficient in your field. That alone can lead to significant career advancement and open new doors to professional growth. Once you achieve CISSP certification, you become an (ISC)² member. (ISC)² is the largest nonprofit association of IT security professionals in the world. Members of (ISC)² can take part invaluable professional development courses that the association offers. These courses are offered through the association’s Professional Development Institute (PDI). (ISC)² also holds industry events around the world for its members. For instance, you can attend (ISC)²’s Secure Summits that offer continuing professional education for members. You’re also entitled to the InfoSecurity Professional Magazine published bi-monthly, as well as (ISC)²’s Member Perks.

Becoming a CISSP Can Propel Your InfoSecurity Career

The need for highly competent IT security professionals has never been greater. One of the best ways to deal with cybercrime perpetrators is by earning CISSP certification. And while this certification doesn’t come easily, the numerous perks it gives you are more than worth the sacrifice. Are you interested in reading more great content on how to boost your career in the IT security sector? Please visit our blog often for our featured articles. You’ll learn so much more about various tech topics.

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