If you are looking for themes that are made for better conversion rates on your sites, Thrive themes are made just for you. They are not only cost effective but they add stunning look to your sites. “How can I choose the best WordPress theme for my blog?” is the most bothering question for 90% of the beginner bloggers who just launched their sites. If you are one among them, you are in the right place. Design is the king whether you agree it or not. Imagine for a second the following scenario. A visitor landing on your site for the first time and struggling to read your content because of the bad design (or font size to be precise). What would he do? Does he still bear the pain and read your posts? Definitely not! He will simply abandon your blog and search for the same information somewhere else. Why give your competitors an edge because of your bad design? If you have a clean looking, SEO friendly and mobile responsive design – it will not only gives a great experience to your blog readers but also increase your search rankings. Yes, you read that right! A faster loading and non-messy site can rank higher in Google search results. Google gives top priority to the sites that load faster and give better user experience. Now, let’s get back to the topic. Design is REALLY the king. And I have a great recommendation for all types of bloggers who want a gorgeous looking theme for their WordPress sites. Thrive themes. In this detailed Thrive themes review post, let’s talk about what it is, what do they offer, how much do they charge and more importantly why should you get one for your WordPress sites. Recommended Elegant Themes Review: Super fast WordPress Themes with build-in SEO Are you ready? Let’s get into the details.

Thrive themes review 2023: Are They Conversion Focused?

Conversion focused themes

Yes, thrive themes are also mobile optimized, fast and completely SEO friendly just like any other great WordPress theme . So what makes them unique from other WordPress themes? Thrive themes are designed to increase your website conversion rates. If you are into blogging or online business, you need more conversions. You need to find ways to convert 10 sales into 20 sales without increasing your website traffic. You can effectively do that with your website design. If done right, a unique and user-centric design can skyrocket your conversion rates. This is where Thrive themes come into play. Their theme functionality, layout options and every other design feature makes it extremely easy for you to design a site that converts. If you are getting 100 visitors a day and 1 of them buys your $100 product, which is easier to double your money? If you are smart enough, you’d probably go with the second option, right? It’s a lot easier to increase your conversions than double your current traffic. Conversions are everything online! Thrive themes are designed to convert random website visitors into email subscribers into buyers. They are not only beautifully designed but they are stunningly super fast. The following three factors that turn your WordPress site into a conversion focused site.

Landing pages:

If you are blogging for a while, you might have already heard about the importance of having landing pages. They are conversion rate boosters. They add less distraction and give more emphasis for your call to actions. So you can easily persuade your blog visitors to take certain actions by using properly built landing pages. Fortunately creating stunning landing pages with Thrive themes is really easier. Even if you are not a tech savvy and don’t know anything about coding, you can still create great landing pages with their landing page builders. Remember, a minimalistic landing page design always increase your conversion rates be it your subscribers, sales or social shares.

Thrive content builder

And then there’s a Thrive content builder that helps you create any custom field starting from buttons to build your list feature. Let’s now use this review post, to discuss some of the things you can easily add to your content using Thrive content builder. When you install Thrive themes on your WordPress sites, it provides you an ultimate content editor to easily create great content for your sites. Their content editor is called as “Thrive content builder” that allows you to create great engaging and visually impressive content for your WordPress sites. Here are few more uses of using their incredible Thrive content builder to create content for your sites.

You can easily add big attention grabbing buttons and calls to action to any post or page on your site. You can easily add testimonial blocks to showcase social proof. You can create content boxes to write feature list posts or reviews to make more sales. It’s much easier to add responsive and customizable price tables. Great feature for marketers. Add responsive videos with a single click. You can cut down your long posts with the automatic table of contents. And many more that makes your content creation process much easier when compared to the default WordPress editor.

Let me explain. Buttons: You can easily create large buttons within your content or pages to boost your click through rates. Whether you are recommending products or building an email list, your call to actions play a key role. Here’s where using large buttons can help. With this content builder, you can easily add buttons with any color you want. Testimonials: We all know how important social proof is to boost conversions of a website. With Thrive content builder, you can easily create appealing testimonials within seconds. You can show images, borders, and pick any color you want. Here’s how it basically looks like. Content Reveal: Want to show your call to action at the right time? You can define a custom amount of time that needs to expire (while reading a page on your site) and show your CTA at the right time using this builder. Automatic table of contents: If you’re writing long form of detailed articles like me, breaking that content into table of contents is the key to make your content easily digestible to read. With content builder, you can automatically add table of contents, simply use h2 and h3 tags for your sub heads and they will all show up in a table of contents box. If you notice, this post also has a table of content section at the beginning. Content box: Content box allows you to differentiate your content from rest of the copy. You can use these boxes to show important information (such as CTA’s or extremely important data). You can also use them for summaries of your content or products. Pricing tables: If you are NOT a tech savvy like me, you know how painful it is to build pricing tables. And there are not much great plugins available on WordPress to get rid of this problem. Here’s where Thrive content builder comes to rescue, you can easily add fully responsive pricing tables in minutes. Countdown timer: Are you planning to launch a new website, product or book? Do you want to show a countime time on your pages? If yes, you can easily do so by using content builder from Thrive themes. Simply drag the countdown timer to your page and set rules. Click to tweet box: Twitter is the most powerful platform and if you want to drive more traffic from twitter, you need more tweets through your content. Click to tweet box can help you increase your tweets by showing click to tweet content within your posts. Email signup forms: How can I ignore mentioning signup forms while writing this review? Your email list is the key if you want to boost your online sales. With this content builder, you can add mesmerising email opt-in forms wherever you want and however you want (color, size, links etc) within your pages. Star ratings for reviews: Getting star ratings reviews for your products on Google search is the key to increase your user engagement and product sales. Luckily, with Thrive content builder you can get access to easily get star ratings for your reviews. You don’t need any extra plugin! So what are you waiting for? If you’re loving this Thrive themes review, make sure to grab it. Click here to increase your website conversions with Thrive themes

Say goodbye to slow loading websites

This review post is mainly written to help you pick the themes that are really faster. Whether you know it or not, your website loading speed actually highly impacts your overall search engine rankings and traffic. Not a long ago, Google announced they are going to improve the rankings of high speed sites and lower the rankings of slower loading sites. So the bottom line is clear and simple. If you want to bring more search traffic to your sites, you need faster loading websites. This post is not made for making sales but to help you choose the right WordPress themes so you can benefit. Did you know that Thrive themes are made for speed and automatically compresses all your images? The #1 reason most blog pages takes a lot of time to load is slow loading images. 90% of the bloggers and marketers often forget to compress images which results in slower loading times. With Thrive themes automatic image compression, you don’t have to worry about optimizing your images anymore. It also uses the lightweight code to make your web pages load incredibly faster. Thrive themes also offer in-built social sharing buttons, related posts and optimized image galleries so you don’t have to use any additional plugins to use them on your sites. The less plugins you use the faster your site loads. Get a faster loading website with Thrive themes

Play with the theme however you want

Want to create a sales page? No problem. Are you looking to create an opt-in page to increase your email subscribers? No problem. It doesn’t matter what type of landing pages or customizations you want, it’s all possible with Thrive themes. And they also made it easy especially for beginners to play with the customizations. It doesn’t take you more than an hour or two to create a powerful design using their Easy Page Generator. Thrive themes also offer a “Landing Page” template where you will find a minimalistic design with no distractions (no header links, sidebars, footer section etc). It’s just your logo and the content! They also offer over 600 different font styles and custom colors so you can choose whatever the typography you want. Let me tell you one thing, if your typography (font size and font) sucks, no one will actually care about reading your blog posts. If it’s easier to read, they will spend more time and it also reduces your overall site bounce rates.

Show email opt-in forms anywhere you want without using extra plugins

Are you looking for proven ways to increase your email subscriber count? I have a simple yet most effective idea for you. Show your email opt-in forms in more places. Show them everywhere on your blog. On your sidebar, as a pop-up, at the end of the post, on the header and just everywhere. The more you aggressively promote your email newsletter or eBook or whatever you offer your audience, the more conversions you will get. It’s as simple as that. When you purchase Thrive themes, they also give you a great plugin called “Thrive Leads” where you can add opt-ins anywhere on your website. So even if you are a newbie, you can find it extremely easy to add email opt-in forms anywhere or everywhere on your blog or website.

And of course, your website can be accessed from any device (mobile friendly)

Is your WordPress site mobile responsive? If not, you are in trouble. You are not only leaking a lot of traffic on the table but also a lot of sales. People are using their smartphones to browse information online and they are buying within minutes if they are convinced. What would they do if your site doesn’t load properly on mobile devices? They simply choose your competitor’s site over you. I can’t complete this post without discussing few benefits of using a mobile-friendly site using Thrive themes. Here are 3 BIG reasons to start using a mobile-friendly website:

Your website visitors can read your content or browse your products effortlessly on any device. Considering the fact that mobile users are growing rapidly, if your site is not mobile optimized, you will lose a lot of traffic and sales. A Google survey figured out that, 67% people were more likely to buy at a mobile friendly website. Who doesn’t love more sales? So get a mobile responsive design. Above all, Google penalizes the sites that are not fully mobile responsive. Google doesn’t want to give a bad experience to its search users. So it helps them whether or not a site is mobile friendly (by displaying “Mobile Friendly” term in the search results).

So how can you make your site mobile responsive? There are basically two ways. One is to hire a designer to make it mobile-friendly and the other is to choose a theme that’s designed to work across all devices. Fortunately, all the Thrive themes are mobile responsive. They load properly across all the devices such as smartphones, tablets, PC’s and laptops. So you don’t have to hire a designer to make your site mobile friendly or use additional plugins to make it mobile responsive.

Wait.. but what about the customer support?

Now, the main important question – what if you get into a trouble? Don’t worry. There’s a customer friendly support staff who you can have access to get rid of all your theme issues. So whenever you get into any trouble while playing with the themes, you can get in touch with their customer staff to get it fixed. Once you have access to their membership account, you will get full access to their customer support, tutorials and training. They have lots of video tutorials and webinars explaining about using their products. So you don’t have to worry about playing with your WordPress sites with the Thrive themes and plugins. Click here to check out all their themes

Are they affordable?

How can I end this post without telling you about Thrive Themes cost? Thrive theme has various pricing options which include the following:

Thrive Membership ($19/Month Paid Annually): will have access to all themes and plugins but can be used on your own websites only. So you will end up paying $1912=$228 for one year. If you don’t want to pay them again after 1 year, you can still have access to all of them but you miss out their future upgrades or features etc. So I highly recommend you getting their full membership if you want to gain access to all of their themes, plugins, widgets, content builder etc. Agency Membership ($49/Month Paid Annually): will have access to all themes and plugins and can use them on your own and client websites. So you be paying $4912=$588 for one year access to all themes and plugins.

Did you know that you can save over $700 compared to buying every product individually? Apart from all these savings, Thrive themes developers frequently update their themes and plugins so you will see improvements with each update. In the 6 months after their first opening, Thrive themes team released 20 major new feature update fixing their site issues, making improvements and tweaks to make Thrive themes more powerful and faster.

Pros and Cons of Thrive themes

This Thrive themes post is not going to help you if I don’t put their pros and cons. So here are some of them to give you better understanding about their themes. Pros:

Hands down, the best visual editor to make your content “visually appealing”. Drag and drop editor (simple to use) makes your life easy. Conversion focused landing pages. Affordable pricing. Tons of variety elements you can add (testimonial boxes to exit intent popups).


Extremely hard to modify your old pages using Thrive themes builder. It’s only helpful for new pages or posts. Limited to WordPress CMS sites. Takes some time to get used to it.

Still confused about using Thrive themes?

If you are a beginner and looking for a theme that is both mobile and search friendly, you should consider Thrive themes. If you are a marketer who is looking to boost your conversion rates without investing a lot of money into design, Thrive themes is for you. If you are a WordPress user who wants to have a website design that loads blazing fast and makes it easy to customize your site however you want, give a try to Thrive themes. At an affordable price of $228 (which will be $19/Month Only) for one year, you will get full access to all of their themes, membership, plugins and incredible support. You wouldn’t get any better deal than this. So what are you waiting for? Get instant access to Thrive themes

Do I recommend Thrive themes?

If you’ve read this post so far, you would mostly likely to go for it. Even I used their content builder on this site and I really loved it. If you’re looking for an easy way to make your content look unique, you should definitely give a try to their themes. You’ll also get access to Thrive content builder and few other features, so make sure NOT to miss it. Read: Astra WordPress Theme Review 2023: Is It The Best Theme? Read: GeneratePress Review 2023: Is It the FASTEST WordPress Theme? Here are few frequently asked questions about Thrive themes, so go through them if you are still thinking about purchasing Thrive themes. Read: 3 Proven Ways to Add Google Analytics to GeneratePress Theme Read: GeneratePress vs Astra: Who’s the REAL Winner? Thrive membership costs you $19 per month (billed annually) where you can install their themes on up to 25 of your own sites.

Final Thoughts

I know there are a lot of WordPress themes out there ranging from free to premium. Lots of theme options make it extremely hard for most WordPress users to choose the right theme for their blogging needs. If you are one among them who is struggling to find a gorgeous looking theme that has all the features such as speed, easy to edit customizer, mobile responsive and conversion focused theme, give a try to Thrive themes. If you are not satisfied with them, you don’t need to worry about your money. They offer a 30 day money back guarantee as well. Please share this review post to help others to get the best theme for their WordPress sites. Let me know if you have any questions before grabbing Thrive themes for your WordPress sites. I’d be glad to help you out to take a right decision before the purchase. Leave your thoughts in the comments below.