Muscle recovery is arguably more important than the training itself. This is what you need to know about muscle soreness after working out.

Why Do Muscles Get Sore?

During exercise, you damage and tear your connective tissue. These small tears trigger inflammatory responses, causing sore or tense muscles. This process is normal and healthy, as the muscles come back stronger during the repair process.

How to Help Muscle Soreness After Working Out

If you don’t prioritize the repair process, then you may prolong your soreness or even cause injury. Here are a few things you can do to help with muscle repair and recovery.

Stretch and Cool Down

If you don’t properly cool down after a workout, then you are likely to experience delayed muscle soreness. Becoming completely sedentary after a workout can be dangerous to your muscles and joints. Take 10 to 15 minutes after every workout to really stretch out your muscles and get your breathing back to normal. Additionally, stretching for longer periods about 3 to 4 times a week is beneficial to keeping your recovery going and getting your muscles ready for your next workout.

Hydrate and Eat Right

One of the best ways to combat sore muscles after working out is to prioritize your nutrition. Make sure to prevent dehydration by drinking enough water. A good rule of thumb is to drink 17 to 20 ounces of water before exercise and then another 8 ounces no more than 30 minutes after exercising.  Consuming the proper amount of protein is a great way to help rebuild and repair your muscles. It is recommended that you intake .2 to .5 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.


Don’t jump from one intense workout to the next. Your body needs proper rest and recovery in order to prepare itself for the next workout. Take a few days in-between workouts of the same muscle group, and prioritize your sleep. That being said, don’t become completely sedentary if your muscles are sore. Try some light exercise like swimming or walking to keep the blood circulating. 

Consult With a Doctor

If you have ongoing pain or problems, then you may want to consult with a muscle pain doctor. A doctor can help you to create a personalized plan that will work best with your specific needs. Doctors can also help to identify any preexisting conditions or injuries that may be affecting your workouts and recovery.

Take Control of Your Health Today

Learning how to properly take care of muscle soreness after working out is essential to your overall health and wellness. Do what you can to prioritize your recovery. If you found this article helpful, then feel free to check out the rest of our blog for more informative health and fitness content. 

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