Castor wheels are a very popular type of wheel with many industrial applications. Castor wheels are heavy-duty, tough, and can carry a lot of weight. If you aren’t already familiar with the different types of castor wheels, now’s a great time to learn. Their capabilities may surprise you. Here’s an introduction to industrial wheels and the main types of castor wheels. Use this to help you create and improve your rolling furniture, carts, and more.
Materials That Castor Wheels Are Made of
Castor wheels come in different materials that correspond with different surfaces. This means designers are able to create industrial equipment for different conditions and industries. While this list is by no means complete, it does give you an idea of the types of wheel materials available to you.
Polyurethane wheels are the choice for many industries because they’re durable and won’t break down when exposed to different corrosive chemicals. They’re affordable and versatile, making them an excellent choice as new and replacement parts.
Rubber industrial wheels have been around for a very long time. Rubber wheels are a lot like car tires, being vulcanized and molded into different wheel shapes.
Nylon is synthetic. It is able to withstand high heat, cold, and corrosive materials.
Solid Metal
Solid metal wheels can be molded to have treads, depending on where they’ll be used. They’re extremely durable. They can be made from aluminum or other types of metal.
Neoprene is a shock-absorbent material that also resists corrosive chemicals. Neoprene wheels help to absorb vibration and provide a more stable ride.
Polypropylene is a very common plastic material. It stands up to chemicals and does not absorb stains.
Steel is extremely strong and can handle a lot of weight. Steel wheels can be manufactured with treads for better traction. They have a long lifespan because of their durability.
Stainless Steel
Stainless steel is very durable and doesn’t rust. Stainless steel wheels are great for wet and damp environments because of their rust resistance.
Types of Castor Wheels
Caster wheels come in many styles, including lockable and rigid. Most people are probably familiar with swivel casters because they are widely used in household furniture and appliances. Here’s a quick list of the main types of castor wheels you can buy today.
Swivel castor wheels rotate around a pin that attaches to a cart or appliance. Caster wheel swivel types are great for carts that must have multi-directional steering ability. Some types of furniture casters are specially made for use on carpets. Others are designed with caster wheel rubber that prevents them from skidding on tile and concrete.
Rigid casters are fixed and do not swivel when pressured from one direction or another. In cart design, they are often paired with swivel wheels so that making turns is much easier. Heavy-duty caster wheels are often designed in a rigid style.
Locking castor wheels are held in place with small tabs that a cart operator usually activates with their foot. They prevent a cart from moving once it is parked. This is an important safety feature that is useful in many work settings.
Choose the Right Industrial Wheels for Your Projects
Industrial wheels come in different materials and styles. No matter what you plan to use them for, you’ll find castors to be durable. For more useful articles about a variety of topics, check out the rest of our blog.
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